Dear Parents/Guardians,

I had a great start to the year with my students and I am enjoying getting to know them. My aim is to provide a positive learning environment so they become life-long learners. Students are frantically working to complete their assessment tasks for Maths and Science for Term 1. They are absolutely engaged in different activities and challenges during their electives classes (Research Science & Forensic Science). Following is some feedback from Year 7 students.

Hajer- Research Science is fun and creative. We do research about different topics and get to do experiments like making lipsticks and actually trying them on. It was amazing!

Rafl- Forensic Science has been a very knowledgeable elective for all of us. In these days, we are learning the scientific way of analysing finger prints. Research Science is another exciting elective. We dissected the squid. We made and sold candy lipstick to the teachers and earned $7. It was great fun.

Zainab- I really like to do experiments during Research Science. It is an incredible way of learning the scientific things. We can create stuff and try knew experiments.

This term, Year 7 Maths students studied two units, Whole Numbers and Integers. They are working on a unit of Fractions these days. Year 8 Maths students finished two chapters, Integers and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. I am preparing individual portfolios for each student which includes all of their tests results, assignments and project details. If parents would like see the portfolio to learn about their child’s progress, they can contact me and I will send them the portfolio. Please remember my door is always open if you have any concerns or questions.

I do not want to miss the opportunity to remind parents about school’s strict policy for uniform and leather shoes. Please make sure your child is coming to school in proper uniform and closed leather shoes every day.

Keen to meet you during parent teacher interviews.

Mrs. Sadia Amjed
Maths and Science Teacher